In [6]:
import pandas as pd
import glob
# Removes pandas warning on latest version about using iloc
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
In [7]:
DATA_FOLDER = 'Data' # Use the data folder provided in Tutorial 02 - Intro to Pandas.
folder contains summarized reports of Ebola cases from three countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) during the recent outbreak of the disease in West Africa. For each country, there are daily reports that contain various information about the outbreak in several cities in each country.
Use pandas to import these data files into a single Dataframe
Using this DataFrame
, calculate for each country, the daily average per year of new cases and deaths.
Make sure you handle all the different expressions for new cases and deaths that are used in the reports.
In [8]:
path = "Data/ebola"
countries = [("Guinea","guinea_data"), ("Liberia","liberia_data"), ("Sierra Leone","sl_data")]
data = pd.DataFrame()
# for each country dataframe, concatenate all the sheets and add a new column with the corresponding country
for country in countries:
allFiles = glob.glob(path + "/" + country[1] + "/" + "/*csv")
data_per_country = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(file) for file in allFiles), axis=0)
data_per_country['Country'] = country[0]
data = pd.concat([data, data_per_country])
# merge columns 'Date' and 'date'
data['Date'] = pd.concat([data['Date'].dropna(), data['date'].dropna()])
data = data.drop('date', axis=1)
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'])
In [9]:
# Guinea
# basic formating of the data, to be more readable for a human
data_cleaned_guinea = data.query('Country == "Guinea"').dropna(axis=1, how='all').set_index(['Date', 'Description'])['Totals']
data_cleaned_guinea = pd.pivot_table(data_cleaned_guinea.reset_index(), values='Totals', index='Date', columns='Description', aggfunc='sum')
# select the two columns for which we are interested
data_cleaned_guinea = data_cleaned_guinea[['New cases of confirmed', 'New deaths registered']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# group by month computing the mean
data_cleaned_guinea = data_cleaned_guinea.groupby(data_cleaned_guinea.index.month).mean()
# display the values in a sexy manner
data_cleaned_guinea.rename_axis({'New cases of confirmed': 'New cases (mean)', 'New deaths registered': 'Deaths (mean)'}, axis='columns', inplace=True)
data_cleaned_guinea.index.names = ['Month'] = ''
Helper functions
In [10]:
# this function checks if a cumulative cell has been correctly fullfilled among the days, i.e. it checks that
# as we go through the days the cumulative cell does not strictly decrease. If this is the case, then we write
# NaN in the concerned cumulative cell: it is considered that the cell has been wrongly filled.
def check_cumulative_entries(df, column):
# initialize the last entry to 0
last_entry = 0
# for each day we will check if the current entry is strictly smaller the the last entry
for d in df.index:
current_entry = df.loc[d, column]
if last_entry > current_entry:
# if this is the case, we write NaN value in the concerned cell
df.loc[d, column] =
# in the case where there is no problem, we update the last entry value, otherwise we don't change it
last_entry = current_entry
# we return the series modified
return df[column]
In [11]:
# this function builds a daily entry serie based on a cumulative one
def compute_daily_entries_from_cumulative(df, column):
# build the serie based on the dataframe df and the column we are interested
s_cum = df[column]
# create a shifted version of it
s_cum_shifted = s_cum.shift(1)
# initialize the first entry of the shifted version by the first entry of the original one
s_cum_shifted[0] = s_cum[0]
# compute the daily entry serie
s_daily = s_cum - s_cum_shifted
# return it
return s_daily
In [12]:
# Liberia
# basic formating of the data, to be more readable for a human
data_cleaned_liberia = data.query('Country == "Liberia"').dropna(axis=1, how='all').set_index(['Date','Variable'])['National'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
data_cleaned_liberia = pd.pivot_table(data_cleaned_liberia.reset_index(), values='National', index='Date', columns='Variable', aggfunc='sum')
# new cases
# write cumulative confirmed cases in last 6 entries as the concerned cells are empty (they just wrote the
# cumulative confirmed cases in a different cell)
for i, row in data_cleaned_liberia[(data_cleaned_liberia.index.month == 12) & ( > 3)].iterrows():
data_cleaned_liberia.loc[i, 'Total confirmed cases'] = row['New case/s (confirmed)']
# check consistency of cumulative data
data_cleaned_liberia['Total confirmed cases'] = check_cumulative_entries(data_cleaned_liberia, 'Total confirmed cases')
# create daily entries
data_cleaned_liberia['New case/s confirmed'] = compute_daily_entries_from_cumulative(data_cleaned_liberia, 'Total confirmed cases')
# compute the mean by month
new_cases_liberia = data_cleaned_liberia['New case/s confirmed'].resample('M').mean()
# new deaths
new_deaths_liberia = data_cleaned_liberia['Newly reported deaths'].resample('M').mean()
# concatenate the two time series
data_cleaned_liberia = pd.concat([new_cases_liberia, new_deaths_liberia], axis=1)
# display the values in a sexy manner
data_cleaned_liberia.rename_axis({'New case/s confirmed': 'New cases (mean)', 'Newly reported deaths': 'Deaths (mean)'}, axis='columns', inplace=True)
data_cleaned_liberia.index.names = ['Month']
data_cleaned_liberia.index = data_cleaned_liberia.index.month
In [13]:
# Sierra Leone
# basic formating of the data, to be more readable for a human
data_cleaned_SL = data.query('Country == "Sierra Leone"').dropna(axis=1, how='all').set_index(['Date','variable'])['National'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
data_cleaned_SL = pd.pivot_table(data_cleaned_SL.reset_index(), values='National', index='Date', columns='variable', aggfunc='sum')
# no specific problem for the new cases
new_cases_SL = data_cleaned_SL['new_confirmed'].resample('M').mean()
# new deaths
# check consisteny of cumulative data
data_cleaned_SL['death_confirmed'] = check_cumulative_entries(data_cleaned_SL, 'death_confirmed')
# create daily entries
data_cleaned_SL['death_confirmed'] = compute_daily_entries_from_cumulative(data_cleaned_SL, 'death_confirmed')
#compute the mean by month
new_deaths_SL = data_cleaned_SL['death_confirmed'].resample('M').mean()
# concatenate the two time series
data_cleaned_SL = pd.concat([new_cases_SL, new_deaths_SL], axis=1)
# display the values in a sexy manner
data_cleaned_SL.rename_axis({'new_confirmed': 'New cases (mean)', 'death_confirmed': 'Deaths (mean)'}, axis='columns', inplace=True)
data_cleaned_SL.index.names = ['Month']
data_cleaned_SL.index = data_cleaned_SL.index.month
In [14]:
# general overview
data_cleaned_guinea['Country'] = 'Guinea'
data_cleaned_liberia['Country'] = 'Liberia'
data_cleaned_SL['Country'] = 'Sierra Leone'
# concatenate the data from the three countries to have a general overview
overview = pd.concat([data_cleaned_guinea, data_cleaned_liberia,data_cleaned_SL])
overview.reset_index().set_index(['Country', 'Month'])
Comments: We see that except for Guinea, the number of new cases of Ebola increases among the months until December, where it decreases a little bit. We cannot define a general trend for the number of deaths. We have different behaviours depending on the country. This could depend on the health infrastructure of each country, the way the disease is treated or what it is done to prevent the citizens from the risk of disease. It is difficult to draw strong conclusions from this data for different reasons : the number of data points for each month is not the same depending on the country and some datasets have not been rigorously fullfilled, which means that we can have inaccurate or erroneous data.
In the DATA_FOLDER/microbiome
subdirectory, there are 9 spreadsheets of microbiome data that was acquired from high-throughput RNA sequencing procedures, along with a 10th file that describes the content of each.
Use pandas to import the first 9 spreadsheets into a single DataFrame
Then, add the metadata information from the 10th spreadsheet as columns in the combined DataFrame
Make sure that the final DataFrame
has a unique index and all the NaN
values have been replaced by the tag unknown
In [15]:
path_RNA = "Data/microbiome"
data_RNA = pd.DataFrame()
allFiles_RNA = glob.glob(path_RNA + "/MID*.xls")
metadata_RNA = path_RNA + "/metadata.xls"
# Concat all the MID* files
data_RNA = pd.concat((pd.read_excel(file, index_col=0, names=[file[16:-4]]) for file in allFiles_RNA), axis=1)
# transpose index/columns and sort indexes
data_RNA = data_RNA.T
# add last file as columns
data_RNA = pd.concat([data_RNA, pd.read_excel(metadata_RNA, index_col=0)], axis=1)
# replace NaN values by 'unknown'
data_RNA = data_RNA.fillna(value='unknown')
In [16]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
For each of the following questions state clearly your assumptions and discuss your findings:
. DataFrame
with unique index.
In [17]:
# load data
data_titanic = pd.read_excel('Data/titanic.xls')
In [18]:
# We are only interested in handling a few of the columns and their missing values
# We drop the row with a NaN value for Embarked since there are only two of them
# We could also replace by the most frequent value policy, and thus fill with "S" in this case
data_titanic.dropna(subset=["embarked"], inplace=True)
# Fill NaN with median value policy for fare and age
data_titanic["fare"].fillna(data_titanic["fare"].median(), inplace=True)
data_titanic["age"].fillna(data_titanic["age"].median(), inplace=True)
In [19]:
In [20]:
In [21]:
for col in ['pclass', 'survived', 'sex', 'embarked']:
data_titanic[col] = data_titanic[col].astype('category')
In [22]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,10))
data_titanic['pclass'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[0, 0])
axes[0, 0].set_title('Number of passenger w.r.t class')
data_titanic['embarked'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[0, 1])
axes[0, 1].set_title('Number of passenger w.r.t embarkment location')
data_titanic['sex'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[1, 0])
axes[1, 0].set_title('Number of passenger w.r.t sex')
age_binned = pd.cut(data_titanic['age'], bins=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], include_lowest=True)
axes[1, 1].set_title('Number of passenger w.r.t age range')
age_binned.value_counts(sort=False).plot(kind='bar', ax=axes[1, 1])
Comments: We clearly see that most people were in the third class (~50%), and then almost equally splitted between the first and second class.
The age plot indicates a huge discrepancy between male and female people present on the boat. On a side note, we can clearly see on the age plot that the imputed values for the NaN impacts the histogram by representing widely the median range, 20-30 range.
In [23]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))
s = data_titanic['cabin']
s_nan = s.astype(str).str[0]
# We have to replace the N
s_nan = s_nan.replace('n', 'NaN')
s_no_nan = s.dropna().astype(str).str[0]
axes[0].set_title('Cabin repartition with undefined')
s_nan.value_counts().plot.pie(ax=axes[0], autopct='%1.0f%%')
axes[1].set_title('Cabin repartition without undefined')
s_no_nan.value_counts().plot.pie(ax=axes[1], autopct='%1.0f%%')
In [24]:
df = data_titanic[data_titanic['survived'] == 1]['pclass']
plt.title('Proportion of survivors for each class')
Comments: As expected, most of the people who survived were from the upper-class, the first one, even in the presence of such a huge class imbalance.
An important thing to notice is that such a plot can be misleading, since the over-representation of the third class in the dataset could lead one to think that third-class people had a highest survival rate. In fact, in-depth analysis in the point 6. will clearly prove the opposite and show a meaningful interpretation of the survival rate for each class.
In [25]:
df = data_titanic[data_titanic['survived'] == 1]
df = df.groupby(['pclass', 'sex']).size().unstack(), figsize=(14,8))
plt.title('Proportion of survivors per sex and class')
Comments: Same as the previous plot, the over-representation of the sex "male" in the dataset can be misleading and one has to be careful about the conclusion drawn from such plots. Once again, the survival rate for each group will be further analyzed in the next section.
Comments: This section demonstrate the importance of data interpretation and how plots can lead to incorrect conclusions when not interpreted with caution.
Indeed, by analyzing survival rate group by group and not merged, we contradict all the potential conclusions from the previous sections. To counteract this phenomena (class imbalance), we could also have resampled the classes equally before doing the previous plots.
In [26]:
df = data_titanic[['age', 'pclass', 'sex', 'survived']]
df = df.sort_values('age')
# Take the 50% quantile (quantile) of the indices (since the median by age) will not produce two equally sized sets.
# The result will satisfy the conditions answered for the question 20) in the FAQ
# CAREFUL: df must be sorted by age before taking such a median by indices.
med_id = df.shape[0] // 2
print('Age of the median:', int(df.iloc[med_id]['age']), 'years old')
df['age_group'] = 'Older'
df.iloc[:med_id]['age_group'] = 'Younger'
df['age_group'] = df['age_group'].astype('category')
df['survived'] = df['survived'].astype(bool)
groups = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['age_group', 'pclass', 'sex', 'survived']).size())
# Following the instructions: Present your results in a DataFrame with unique index.
groups.columns = ['age category', 'class', 'sex', 'survived', 'count']
In [27]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))
groups[groups['age category'] == 'Younger'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[0], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['age category'] == 'Older'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[1], labels=['', ''])
axes[0].set_title('Proportion of survivors for younger')
axes[1].set_title('Proportion of survivors for older')
axes[0].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[1].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
We don't see any clear difference between the two groups in term of survival rate.
In [28]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16,5))
groups[groups['class'] == 1].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[0], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['class'] == 2].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[1], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['class'] == 3].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[2], labels=['', ''])
axes[0].set_title('Proportion of survivors for class 1')
axes[1].set_title('Proportion of survivors for class 2')
axes[2].set_title('Proportion of survivors for class 3')
axes[0].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[1].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[2].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
We can clearly notice that the survival rate decreases drastically as the class changes from first to "ecnonomy" class.
In [29]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))
groups[groups['sex'] == 'male'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[0], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['sex'] == 'female'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[1], labels=['', ''])
axes[0].set_title('Proportion of survivors for male')
axes[1].set_title('Proportion of survivors for female')
axes[0].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[1].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
We notice a huge difference in the survival rate between genders. Indeed, women have a much higher survival rate than men.
In [30]:
df = data_titanic[['age', 'pclass', 'sex', 'survived']]
df = df.sort_values('age')
# Take the 12.5% quantile (quantile) of the indices (since the median by age) will not produce two equally sized sets.
# The result will satisfy the conditions answered for the question 20) in the FAQ
# CAREFUL: df must be sorted by age before taking such a median by indices.
med_id = df.shape[0] // 8
print('Age of the median:', int(df.iloc[med_id]['age']), 'years old')
df['age_group'] = 'Older'
df.iloc[:med_id]['age_group'] = 'Younger'
df['age_group'] = df['age_group'].astype('category')
df['survived'] = df['survived'].astype(bool)
groups = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['age_group', 'pclass', 'sex', 'survived']).size())
# Following the instructions: Present your results in a DataFrame with unique index.
groups.columns = ['age category', 'class', 'sex', 'survived', 'count']
In [31]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))
groups[groups['age category'] == 'Younger'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[0], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['age category'] == 'Older'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[1], labels=['', ''])
axes[0].set_title('Proportion of survivors for younger')
axes[1].set_title('Proportion of survivors for older')
axes[0].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[1].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
In [32]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16,8))
groups[groups['sex'] == 'male'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[0], labels=['', ''])
groups[groups['sex'] == 'female'].groupby('survived').sum().plot.pie(y='count', autopct='%1.0f%%', ax=axes[1], labels=['', ''])
axes[0].set_title('Proportion of survivors for male')
axes[1].set_title('Proportion of survivors for female')
axes[0].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])
axes[1].legend(labels=['Not survived', 'Survived'])